Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Why I respect Obama...thank you for doing your part to get us out of the economic mess. Spending taxpayer dollars on your campaign bus, rather than working from the oval office...

Republican party met in Iowa for a straw poll last week and the field has narrowed to three candidates: Michelle Bachman (who RollingStones magazine mentioned spent $4000 in make-up artists in a few weeks), Perry from Texas and Mitt Romney. Others could join in The Fray. Reading the complimentary Wall Street Journal at our hotel over the weekend, I learned that the people who cast votes at the Iowa straw poll all had to pay $30 per ticket. ?!? So some organizations pay supporters to come out and vote. Weird way to determine candidates this far out from elections. Why do they have to pay?

In a similar vein do you think we should be spending our way out of this deficit or should we cut back on spending to less than what we earn in a year? Have you taken an Economics course? Keynesian follower?

Well, I should get back to writing this ethics paper ...900 more words to go on this hypothetical company that made faulty military armor, declared bankruptcy, failed to warn its employees it was leaving the country, and split to Argentina with funds stashed in Swiss banks. Yeah. Study break over.

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