Monday, August 23, 2010

bragging on my father

yesterday i set out on a sixty minute run. i'm all dressed to sweat and i am setting a good pace, stopping to walk when i need to catch my breath. about a half mile down the road, the sky that has been overcast all day suddenly decides to open and the flood of rain descends. after a few more steps when it is obviously futile to continue the run, i turn back. one nice big tree shelters me from the worst of the elements. cars drive past. the rain is coming harder and i am still a ways from home, so i run some more to the next tree, stop for a moment and then continue wiping water from my eyes. shoes are soaked and i look a sorry sight. then as i am crossing a road, a car pulls up and slows down. it is my father. he opens the door and has a towel draped over the seat. thanks for rescuing me!!!

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